MET 101 - Isobars


Did you have difficulty drawing the isobar lines in lab? You may find it useful to practice drawing isobars using some current data. To see a map of the most recent pressure data CLICK HERE. Remember the pressures on this map are different than those we analyzed in lab. These pressures have already had the 9 or 10 added to them, and they also have neglected the decimal point and its subsequent digit. Make sure you draw these lines in black (or use a regular pencil).

You can perform one analysis, with new data, each hour. To see how your isobars should be drawn CLICK HERE. Make sure this map has the same date and time (Z time found in the upper left hand corner) as the map you have drawn, otherwise your lines may not look the same as the computer's due to pressure changes. Keep in mind though, that the computer draws these isobars, so there may be some errors in its interpretation. Also keep in mind that the computer does not label the isobars as we did in lab, nor does it use the same color we are using, nor does it label the areas of high and low pressure.

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Last updated August 30, 2017